Enduring Materials

Access Program Materials


As a benefit for attending the 33rd Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Programs, the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) provides enduring materials free of charge for the specific programs for which attendees were registered.

If you are a SITC member, or member of the general public, but did not register to attend a Pre-Conference program or the 33rd Annual Meeting, the materials are available at the link below.

Open Access Availability*

  • All materials are open to the public HERE.

*Presentations and video recordings are available based on permission from presenters.

SITC Memebership

Not a SITC member? Don't delay your access to SITC 2018 enduring materials, learn more about this and many other member benefits:

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SITC 2018 Scientific Highlights

Review scientific highlights from the first two days of the 33rd Annual Meeting. Click the corresponding links to view these SITC reports, originally published in The Sentinel, the society's official blog.

Nov. 9 Scientific Highlights

Nov. 10 Scientific Highlights

Nov. 11 Scientific Highlights