SITC Resource Library

Grant Writing Workshop 

11-22-2022 12:40

The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) hosted the “Grant Writing Workshop” during the 37th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs on November 8, 2022. Available here are the presentation slides and video from "Grant Writing Workshop," as permitted by presenters.

Program Organizers

  • Rongze "Olivia" Lu, PhD – University of California, San Francisco

  • Saman Maleki, PhD – Western University

  • Abdul Rafeh Naqash, MD – Oklahoma University

  • Ravi Patel, MD, PhD – University of Pittsburgh

Target Audience

The target audience for this educational program includes graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior to mid-level faculty, which encompasses instructors and assistant professors who wish to solidify their understanding of grant writing.

Program Description

This program will feature two sessions. The first session opens with an overview of the grant submission process, briefly outlining funding opportunities outside the NIH and the principles of grant writing. This session also addresses big data along with NCI Officer Tips and Tricks in the grant writing process. The second session will consist of a “mock study section,” allowing attendees to experience how a study section evaluates a grant proposal. This will help attendees identify points that determine the success or failure of a grant proposal and help them optimize the process of grant re-submission. The session concludes with breakout question and answer sessions on various types of grants.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Evaluate funding opportunities

  • Identify critical strengths and fatal flaws of a grant proposal

  • Optimize the process of grant re-submission

To view the entire program schedule (including presenter permission to post) please click here.

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3 Files
mp4 file
"Grant Writing Workshop" - Video   1.05 GB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-22-2022
Program: Grant Writing Workshop; Date: November 9, 2022
pptx file
"Principles of Data Sharing" - Presentation Slides   8.46 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-21-2022
Program: Grant Writing Workshop; Date: November 9, 2022; Riyue Bao, PhD
pptx file
"NIH Grant Application Strategies" - Presentation Slides   2.00 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-21-2022
Program: Grant Writing Workshop; Date: November 9, 2022; Lillian Kuo, PhD

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