Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School

The 2025 Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School is supported, in part, through independent medical education grants from Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. and Wilson Wolf (as of Jan. 30, 2025).

Registration & Venue Details

The Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School is tailored to early career scientists and clinicians that are new to the field. The curriculum covers the fundamentals of cancer immunotherapy and features separate tracks, including clinical and research, allowing participants to tailor their experiences by selecting the educational path most relevant to their learning goals. 

With separate tracks, including clinical and research, participants can tailor their experience by selecting the educational path most relevant to their learning goals.

Registration Rates

Early Registration (Register by Jan. 6, 2025)

Regular Registration Onsite Registration
Student Member $100 $350 $400 
Student Non-Member $380  $630  $680
General Member $815  $1,065  $1,115
General Non-Member $920  $1,070  $1,220 
Industry Member $1,705  $1,955  $2,005 
Industry Non-Member $1,870  $2,120  $2,170 

Developing Economies Member (Not Available to Industry)

$0 $0 $0
Developing Economies Non-Member (Not Available to Industry) $25 $25 $25

Important Dates

Registration Opens
Monday, June 10, 2024 

Travel Award Applications Due
Monday, August 5, 2024 (5 p.m. PDT)

Early Registration Rates End
Monday, January 6, 2025 (11:59 p.m. PST)

Housing Deadline
Friday, January 24, 2025 (11:59 p.m. PST)

Regular Registration Deadline
Monday, January 27, 2025 (11:59 p.m. PST)

Onsite Registration Closes
Friday, February 14, 2025 (11:59 p.m. PST)

Housing & Venue Information

The University of Texas at Austin
AT&T Hotel and Conference Center
1900 University Avenue
Austin, TX 78705
(512) 404-1900


Cancellation Policy

Refund requests should be submitted in writing to the SITC office at by January 17, 2025. A $25 processing fee will be charged for all paid registrations. All refunds will be processed within two weeks of receipt. No refunds will be granted if cancellation is received after January 17, 2025.

Vaccination & Mask Requirements

At SITC programs, our goal is to have a safe and meaningful in-person experience. SITC will refer to the CDC COVID-19 Community Levels to guide health precautions for in-person meetings. In addition, SITC strongly recommends that in-person meeting attendees take the following precautions:

  • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Take a rapid COVID test prior to attending a meeting and do not attend in person if you test positive
  • Do not attend the meeting if you have symptoms that could be consistent with a “cold” or any other respiratory infection and leave the meeting if you develop such symptoms
  • Wear a mask in crowded indoor settings
  • Follow all health and safety protocols as required by SITC and local and state health departments
  • Review current CDC and applicable local guidance for protecting yourself from COVID-19.

Attendees will have access to the meeting content online if they are unable to attend in person due to illness or a positive COVID test. For hybrid programs, attendees can change from in-person to online-only registration by contacting

Registered attendees will be notified in advance of any changes to precautions, recommendations or requirements for a SITC meeting.

Travel Awards Available

Eligibility & Criteria  |  2025 Winners

To support young investigators and clinicians interested in attending the Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School, SITC is accepting applications for travel awards, which will provide reimbursement of eligible travel expenses incurred during the program up to $1,000. Five travel awardees will be selected. The Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School Travel Awards are intended for individuals who will attend the program in person. Award amounts and eligible expenses are being finalized.

Two of the five travel awards are reserved for individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the biomedical sciences field according to the NIH definition. The information collected in response to the self-identifying process will only be viewed by SITC staff and Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School program organizers.

Travel Award Applications for 2025 are now closed. Notifications to applicants are in process.

SITC established the Forward Fund in 2012, to stimulate the development and application of cancer immunology and immunotherapy by financially supporting its education and research. Contributions to the Forward Fund help provide grants to promising young post-doctoral researchers, advocate for more young scientists to enter the field of cancer immunotherapy research and much more.

Learn more about the SITC Forward Fund >

Program Organizers

Kristin Anderson, PhD


Kristin Anderson, PhD
University of Virginia

Chrystal Paulos, PhD Winship Cancer Institute


Chrystal Paulos, PhD
Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University

Daniel Powell, PhD


Daniel J. Powell Jr., PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Christian Capitini, MD

Program Advisor

Christian Capitini, MD
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Program Faculty

Tullia Bruno, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Peter Bruno, PhD
University of California San Francisco

Deborah Collyar, B.sci
Patient Advocates in Research

Tricia  Cottrell, MD, PhD
Queen's University

May Daher, MD
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Greg Delgoffe, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Victor Engelhard, PhD
University of Virgina School of Medicine

Olivera Finn, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Maryland Franklin, PhD

Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer, PhD
American Society of Clinical Oncology

Sacha Gnjatic, PhD
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Paola Grandi, PhD
CG Oncology

Bambi Grilley, RPh
Baylor College of Medicine

James R. Heath, PhD
Institute for Systems Biology

Dinesh Kumar, PhD

Lewis Lanier, PhD
University of California San Francisco

Greg Lesinski, PhD, MPH
Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University

Bruce Levine, PhD
Abramson Cancer Center

Michael Lotze, MD, FACS
University of Pittsburgh

Yves Morillon, PhD
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Yana Najjar, MD
University of Pittsburgh

Abigail Overacre-Delgoffe, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Robert Scharpf, PhD
Johns Hopkins University

Sumit Subudhi, MD, PhD
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Ryan  Sullivan, MD
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital

Masataka Suzuki, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine

Christopher Takimoto, MD, PhD
IGM Biosciences

Marc Theoret, MD, PhD
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Ned Waller, MD, PhD
Emory University

Jianda Yuan, MD, PhD

Program Details

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing Education Credits will be available for the CIWS 2025 program. View our Winter School Continuing Education page for details and instructions on how to claim your credits.

Networking Opportunities

Attendees will have opportunities to expand their professional network, developing new relationships with faculty and other thought leaders through small group breakout sessions and virtual networking features.

Target Audience

  • Early-to-mid career scientists in the field of cancer immunotherapy working in academic, clinical, industry and government settings
  • Individuals new to the field working in academic, clinical, industry and government settings

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School, participants are able to:

  • Describe the core principles of tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy
  • Discuss recent advancements in drug and biomarker technologies and their clinical application
  • Explain appropriate clinical and/or preclinical trial data analysis methods and best practices in clinical and/or preclinical trial design

Program Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) understands the value of diversity, equity and inclusion and is committed to closing gaps within all facets of the organization, as well as ones in the field of immuno-oncology and biomedical sciences. Since 2018, SITC has been proactively following the NIH Statement on Diversity for those in underrepresented Populations in the U.S. Biomedical Sciences across planning, solicitation and implementation of all programming, including SITC’s Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School. In 2021, SITC formed the Diversity, Equity  and Inclusion Task Force to ensure participation from nationally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and women from biomedical sciences throughout all society programs and initiatives.

Enduring Materials

  • Those registered for the 2025 Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School will have access to enduring materials (video recordings) of the sessions within 48 hours after each session on the virtual platform.
  • Registrants will have access to enduring materials (video recordings only) on the virtual meeting platform for two weeks after the program. After that time, registrants will still have access to the content (both video recordings and slides), as permitted by presenters, on the SITC Resource Library.
  • At two weeks after the program, non-registrants will be able to purchase access to enduring materials (video recordings and slides), as permitted by presenters, on the SITC Resource Library. Non-registrants can purchase access to the enduring materials at 50% of the registration rates.
  • One year after the program, enduring materials, as permitted by presenters, will be open access to the public.

Enduring materials from past Cancer Immunotherapy Winter School programs are available. Click the year of the program you would like to access in the Past Program section.

Related Resources

SITC offers a variety of resources about tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy. Explore the pages below to learn more.

Basic Cancer Immunotherapy Principles

Learn the fundamentals of cancer immunotherapy through a variety of SITC programs.

Explore Resources >


Discover how SITC is leveraging bioinformatics to enhance cancer immunotherapy research and treatments.

Learn More >


SITC’s clinician resources includes programs on biomarkers in the field of immuno-oncology.

Read More >

Clinical Data and Practical Considerations

Explore SITC's journal, the Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer (JITC), and other clinical resources.

View More >

Combination Therapies

Discover related SITC resources about Combination Therapies.

Explore Programs >

Practical Application Resources

Explore SITC's resources to learn about disease specific treatment algorithms, identification and treatment of common irAEs and how to overcome challenges in the clinic.

Learn More >

Professional Development

Discover related SITC resources about Professional Development.

Browse Programs >