Every month the GO 2 Foundation for Lung Cancer presents their "Lung Cancer Living Room™" a patient education and support series created for patients and their families. Through presentations by lung cancer specialists, physicians, and researchers, this unrestricted, relaxed forum covers all...
This press release describes the details behind a study designed to help doctors better understand and educate patients with non-small cell lung cancer on what to expect when undergoing immunotherapy treatment. Click here to read, "Lung Cancer Patients to Help Medical Community Understand...
Almost three years ago today, Jeff Julian at age 39 was told he had stage IV lung cancer and less than a year to live. But Jeff was no stranger to defying the odds. While at USC he was a member of the U.S. National Team, a silver medalist at the World University Games, a PAC-10 champion, a...
ADVANCE THE SCIENCE OF LUNG CANCER. Be part of the solution by joining the Lung Cancer Registry. Every day researchers are working hard to defeat lung cancer and improve the quality of life for those living with the disease. Now you can be part of that research and help move it forward. The...
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