By now, it’s likely that you’ve heard the terms ctDNA, cfDNA, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and liquid biopsies thrown around, and with many acronyms and various test types out there for colorectal cancer, it can become confusing to understand how they can impact treatment and care. You can...
Ashley Glode, PharmD from the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy explains what a biosimilar drug is, cost benefits to using biosimilars, questions to ask a doctor about biosimilars and current drugs on the market for colorectal cancer patients in this biosimilars video. Access...
Posted on the Fight Colorectal Cancer blog is an article about the latest FDA approved immunotherapy treatment MSI-H/dMMR Metastatic Colorectal cancer patients. Click here to read the latest FDA update. #ColorectalCancer #Journalarticle #CollaborativePartner #CombinationTherapy ...
Posted on the Fight Colorectal Cancer Blog is a review of a new report from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACSCAN) about the barriers to clinical trial enrollment, possible solutions to those barriers and the importance of clinical trials to the advancement of the field. ...
At the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s (ASCO) annual meeting in Chicago, IL, held June 2-5, 2018, Fight CRC staff and research advocates engaged with researchers, clinicians, and other organizations in the US and around the world to discuss how to continue moving the needle forward in...
In an ongoing Fight Colorectal Cancer blog, Dr. Tom Marsilje, a 20 plus year oncology research scientist with “currently incurable” stage IV non-MSI colon cancer, writes about the components of the innate immune system and how it relates to colorectal cancer. Click here to read, "Using the...
Tom Marsilje, Ph.D. and Fight Colorectal Cancer release a new-and-improved tool that helps late-stage colorectal cancer (CRC) patients search for microsatellite stable (MSS-CRC) clinical trials sorted with a patient’s point of view in mind. Click here to read, "New-and-Improved MSS...
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In this press release, Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) and the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), are proud to announce “A Blueprint to Advance Colorectal Cancer Immunotherapies” will be published in the November 2017 issue of the journal Cancer Immunology Research (published online ahead of...
Knowing your biomarkers can help your doctors identify your best treatment options and help you in making well-informed decisions about how your cancer will be treated. Knowing your biomarkers will allow you to be your own best advocate. This educational website provides descriptions of common...
Biomarkers and biomarker testing are changing the way some colorectal cancer is treated and knowing your biomarkers can help your doctors identify your best treatment options and help you in making well informed decisions about how your cancer will be treated allowing you to be your own best...
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