When can I submit an abstract?
The abstract submission period is April 23, 2021, through July 29, 2021, at 5 p.m. PDT.
Do I need to be a SITC member to submit?
You do not need to be a SITC member to submit a regular or late-breaking abstract. You must be a SITC member to be considered for the Young Investigator Awards.
What information do I need to submit for my abstract?
The following items are requested, if applicable, when submitting an abstract:
In addition to the items above, Young Investigator Award abstracts need to include the following:
A letter of recommendation from a supervisor (.doc, .docx, .pdf)
Confirm they are a SITC member
Confirm they are a student, postdoctoral research fellow, clinical fellow, or junior faculty with three or fewer years on staff, and if so, identify which category they represent
Indicate the percentage of contribution by the primary and presenting author in regards to conception and design, collection and assembly, data analysis and interpretation, and abstract writing
Late-breaking abstract applications need to include the following:
Clinical Study
Lab-Based Study
Provide an explanation why the experiment(s) could not be completed before the regular abstract submission deadline, July 29, 2021, and needs to be considered for late-breaking submission.
How many authors can I include?
There is no limit to the number of authors that can be included on an abstract. All authors must have at least one institution listed, though, and there must be a minimum of one corresponding, one primary and one presenting author for each abstract.
How does the presenting author submit their COI?
Once an abstract is submitted, the presenting author is automatically sent an email notification asking them to complete their COI. The email notification contains a link that takes them directly to their profile information which they should review and update as needed. Once they submit that information, they will able to complete their COI form. Should the presenting author have any issues with the online COI form, they can complete the downloadable COI form once it is created and send the completed document to education@sitcancer.org. The submitting author can check if the presenting author has submitted their COI by reaching out to SITC staff at education@sitcancer.org.
How many tables, figures and images can I include?
There is no limit to the number of tables, figures or images that can be included on an abstract. All figures, tables and images must be numbered (i.e.: Table 1, Figure 1, or Image 1) in the title field and cited in the abstract text.
How can I format my font to include italics, bold, and/or underline?
If you want to format your font you can use tags such as <i>Italics</i>, <b>Bold</b>, or <u>Underline</u>.
How do you define a Clinical Trial in Progress?
All phases of clinical research may be considered for inclusion in the Clinical Trials in Progress abstract submission.
Although there are no absolute criteria for abstracts submitted under this category, SITC provides the following general guidelines for your consideration as you prepare your abstract submission for this category.
All abstracts submitted under this category, as for all abstracts submitted in any category, are subject to peer review and possible rejection from being included as an oral and/or poster presentation in the 36th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs (SITC 2021).
Submission Guidelines
Scientific background/rationale for the trial should be included.
Preclinical and/or earlier-phase clinical data that has already been publicly presented or published may be included with references.
Abstracts should be written/designated with respect to the correlates and hypothesis being tested in clinical trials.
Clinical trial registry number (required, if appropriate)
Trial design and statistical methods (include)
Treatment or intervention planned (include)
Major eligibility criteria, highlighting unusual aspects (include)
It is not a requirement that the trial be recruiting (current status of “Open but Not Yet Recruiting” is acceptable)
NOT acceptable in a Clinical Trial in Progress abstract:
What is included in the 400-word count of the abstract?
The only items that are required to stay within the 400-word count are the background, methods, results, and conclusion. The following items are not included the 400-word count limit:
Do you accept abstracts after the deadline?
Unfortunately, SITC does not accept any regular abstracts or late-breaking abstract applications after July 29, 2021, at 5 p.m. PDT.
When will I find out if my abstract was selected?
Regular and Young Investigator Award abstracts will be notified if their abstract was accepted for presentation on Aug. 27, 2021. Late-Breaking abstract applications will be notified on Aug. 10, 2021, if they can submit a full abstract. Accepted late-breaking abstracts applications will be able to submit a full abstract beginning Aug. 19, 2021, and until 5 p.m. PDT on Aug. 31, 2021. Late-Breaking abstract notifications will be sent on Sept. 20, 2021. Late-Breaking abstract applications not accepted will have the opportunity to submit a full regular abstract Aug. 10–13, 2021, and will be notified on Aug. 27, 2021, if their abstract was accepted.
How do I submit my conflict of interest form after I have submitted my abstract?
After you have submitted your abstract you will receive a confirmation email. The presenting author will then need to click on the link and complete their profile information first including their contact information. After that is completed and submitted they will next be able to complete the COI form, which is done online through the SITC Connect site.
I have not received information about my abstract, who should I contact?
For all questions regarding abstracts please contact education@sitcancer.org.
My abstract was accepted, do I have to register for the meeting?
Yes, the presenting author must register for the Annual Meeting to present an abstract. Submitting an abstract does not register you for the meeting.
Is registration free because my abstract was accepted?
Unfortunately, SITC does not offer free registration to abstract presenters.
My abstract has been accepted, how do I confirm my participation?
SITC is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and plans to announce any decisions in mid-summer. More information about requirements for accepted abstract presentations is forthcoming.
After regular and late-breaking abstracts are reviewed and selected, abstract submitters are sent an email notification stating whether the abstract was accepted, and, if so, what type of abstract presentation it was accepted as. Within the notification, the abstract submitter will also be asked to accept or decline participation in SITC 2021. If SITC does not receive a response by the stated deadline, SITC will assume you agree to present and will include your abstract.
When will I find out when I am presenting?
SITC is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and plans to announce any decisions in mid-summer. More information about requirements for accepted abstract presentations is forthcoming.
Both oral and poster abstract presenters will be informed of their presentation details in their notification email.
I was accepted for an oral abstract presentation, can I present my abstract as a poster as well?
In addition to oral abstract presentations, oral presenters are invited to present their abstract as a poster and an ePoster as well. ePosters can be uploaded by the presenting author (more information provided in the Speaker Management System).
What is my abstract number? Is this different than the abstract ID number?
The abstract number refers to the number assigned to the abstract by SITC. The abstract number is the number that is made public for your abstract. The abstract ID is the number assigned by the submission site when you submit your abstract. This number is used for administrative purposes and is not made public.
What does the abstract number mean?
The abstract number determines where your abstract will be listed in all publications including the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC) Supplement, and on the SITC 2021 website and meeting app. For abstracts selected for poster presentation, it also determines where your poster will be located in the Poster Hall.
How is the abstract number assigned?
The abstract number is determined by the category selected when the abstract is submitted and the last name of the submitter.
Can I change my abstract number?
Once assigned, abstract numbers cannot be changed.
How can I view my submitted abstract?
You may view your submitted abstract by logging into the abstract submission system and clicking on 'My Abstracts'.
When is the deadline to withdraw my abstract?
The deadline for regular abstract withdrawal is Sept. 2, 2021. The deadline for late-breaking abstract withdrawal is Sept. 24, 2021. If you would like to withdraw your abstract between the submission deadline and this date, you must submit your request in writing to education@sitcancer.org. Upon receipt of your request SITC will make the change and send a confirmation once the withdrawal has been completed.
What information is needed for my presentation?
Oral Abstract Presenter:
Presenter’s photo and brief biography
Presenter’s conflict of interest disclosure form
PowerPoint presentation slides
Completed recording permission form
Provide an image for the ePoster module
Rapid Oral Abstract and Poster Symposium Presentations:
Presenter’s photo and brief biography
Presenter’s conflict of interest disclosure form
PowerPoint presentation slides
Completed recording permission form
Provide an image for the ePoster module
Poster Abstract Presentation:
Where will the posters be located?
The Poster Hall will be located in Hall E of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
When will the poster hall be open?
The Poster Hall will be open from 7 a.m.–8:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, and from 7 a.m.–8:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021. Authors will only need to be by posters during lunch and reception hours on Friday and Saturday; however authors are strongly encouraged to also stand by their posters during all breaks.
When will my poster be on display?
All odd numbered Regular and Young Investigator Award posters will be on display in the Poster Hall (Hall E) on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, while even numbered Regular and Young Investigator Award posters will be on display in the Poster Hall (Hall E) on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021.
Late-Breaking abstract posters will be on display in the Poster Hall (Hall E) on both Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, 7 a.m.–8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021, from 7 a.m.–8:30 p.m.
When do I need to be by my poster?
SITC is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and plans to announce any decisions in mid-summer. More information about requirements for accepted abstract presentations is forthcoming.
Regular/Young Investigator Award Abstracts:
Presenting authors will be assigned to present their poster in the Poster Hall (Hall E) either Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, or Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021, with odd-numbered posters being assigned to Friday, Nov. 12 and even-numbered posters being assigned to Saturday, Nov. 13. Author presence is required during the lunch and evening reception times on the day they are assigned to present. In addition to the required hours, all presenting authors are also strongly encouraged to stand by their poster as much as possible during their assigned presentation day, especially during the session breaks.
Friday, Nov. 12, 2021
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021
When can I set up and take down my poster?
Regular/Young Investigator Award Abstracts:
Location: Poster Hall (Hall E)
Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 – Odd-numbered posters
Poster hall hours: 7 a.m.–8:30 p.m.
Set up: 12–5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021
Tear Down: After 8:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 13, 2021 – Even-numbered posters
What are the poster specifications?
Regular, Young Investigator Award and Late-Breaking abstract maximum poster dimensions are 8' x 4' landscape (horizontal) orientation. Any dimensions that do not exceed 8' x 4' landscape orientation will be acceptable for Regular, Young Investigator Award and Late-Breaking abstract poster presentations.

Do I need to upload an ePoster?
Providing your poster as an ePoster is required. Abstract ePosters will be available on the SITC 2021's Virtual ePoster Hall to attendees. Abstract ePosters will also be available on the SITC meeting app and the SITC virtual meeting platform for meeting attendees.
Please note, everyone with an accepted abstract is required to submit an ePoster. Those who attend SITC 2021 in person are asked to bring their physical poster to be put up in the in-person Poster Hall. SITC will not print ePosters for authors.
Do I need to print my poster number on my poster?
No, posters do not need to have the poster number printed on them. Poster numbers will be on the poster boards.
Can I print my poster onsite?
Unfortunately, SITC does not provide any recommendations or accommodations for printing posters onsite at the Annual Meeting. SITC suggests bringing your poster with you while traveling.
Are there any special accommodations for disposing or shipping my poster after the conference?
SITC does not provide any recommendations or accommodations for shipping or disposing of any posters. The presenting author must bring the poster with them to the meeting for their presentation. Posters left in the Poster Hall on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021, will be disposed of by the convention center staff.
Can I include additional information either with a printed handout or by providing a link to more information online?
Yes, posters can provide additional information to attendees either as a printed handout or by including a link or QR code on the poster. Additional information can also be provided by uploading a handout in the SITC Abstract Management System.
Is there audio visual for rapid oral and poster symposium presentations?
Yes, there will be a microphone as well as a screen for a short presentation for oral poster abstract and poster symposium presentations.
When and where will the abstract titles be released?
The regular abstract titles will be released on Oct. 1, 2021, on the SITC 2021 website. The late-breaking abstract titles will be release on Nov. 1, 2021 on the SITC 2021 website.
When and where will the full abstract content be released?
Full regular and late-breaking abstract content will be embargoed until 8 a.m. ET on Nov. 9, 2021. After that, the abstract content will be published in the JITC Supplement. This includes content within the original abstract submitted. This does not include additional data that was available on a poster of the abstract and/or any updated and/or any new data that will be available in oral presentations in SITC’s Annual Meeting.
Can I give an encore presentation?
Any abstract previously accepted and/or published (by any meeting or publisher) must contain substantial new data in order to be considered. Contact education@sitcancer.org if you have questions pertaining to substantial new data.
Can I issue a press release about my abstract?
Yes, you may issue a press release about your abstract; however, any planned press releases and media alerts must have been reviewed and approved in advance by SITC Communications staff and they must follow the Embargo Policy. Please provide a minimum for two business days for review. Drafts should be emailed to communications@sitcancer.org.
How do I change the presenter for my abstract?
The deadline for regular abstract withdrawals, including presenter changes, is Sept. 2, 2021. The deadline for late-breaking abstract withdrawals, including presenter changes, is Sept. 24, 2021. These deadlines are set in place because the abstract information is pulled for publication immediately following these dates and cannot be edited after that. If you would like to withdraw your abstract between the submission deadline and this date, you must submit your request in writing to education@sitcancer.org. Upon receipt of your request SITC will make the request, if possible, and send a confirmation once the withdrawal or change has been completed.