Targets for Cancer IO: A Deep Dive Series 2 is supported, in part, by educational grants from Genmab, US, Inc. Iovance Biotherapeutics, and Merck & Co., Inc. (as of 7/26/2022).Interested in supporting this program? The SITC Development team would love to work with you. Contact for more information on how your organization's support can help advance cancer immunotherapy and make "cure" a reality.
#Tcells,#GastrointestinalCancers, #GenitourinaryCancers, #Leukemia, #Lymphoma, #LungCancers, #SITC, #AdoptiveCellTherapy, #CombinationTherapy, #TherapeuticAntibodies, #Vaccines, #Cytokines, #ImmuneCheckpointInhibitors, #Clinician, #Oncologist, #PrimaryCarePhysician, #AlliedHealth, #Biomarkers
Meeting: 2022 Targets in Cancer IO: A Deep Dive in iPSC Cell Derived Therapies; Moderators: Jeffrey S. Miller, MD – University of Minnesota, Kalle Malmberg, MD, PhD – Oslo University Hospital; Presenters: Ran Jing, PhD - Boston Children’s Hospital, Sjouke van der Stegen, PhD - Memorial Sloan Kettering; Date: September 26, 202201:53:10
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