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SITC Clinical Practice Guidelines Webinar - Practical Management Pearls for Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma - Recorded Webinar and Presentation Slides 

04-23-2021 12:01

On April 23, 2021, leading experts in cancer immunotherapy presented an advanced webinar focused on "The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer consensus statement on immunotherapy for the treatment of multiple myeloma." This webinar was designed for attendees to be able to appraise and classify organ-specific considerations for immunotherapy agents and toxicities, identify and manage clinically significant uncommon toxicities, and determine optimal sequencing of immunotherapies in relapsed and/or refractory disease, among other learning outcomes. The recorded webinar and presentation slides are available below.

Webinar Faculty:

  • Moderator: Nina Shah, MD – University of California San Francisco Medical Center (Expert Panel Chair)
  • Jesus G. Berdeja, MD – Sarah Cannon Research Institute (Expert Panel Member)
  • Yi Lin, MD, PhD – Mayo Clinic (Expert Panel Member)

The webinar discussed: 
  • Understand important multiple myeloma-specific considerations for immunotherapy agents and associated toxicities/irAEs
  • Appropriately manage multiple myeloma-specific toxicities/irAEs associated with immunotherapy
  • Determine optimal sequencing of immunotherapies in relapsed and/or refractory disease as well as when to conclude therapy in responding patients
  • Consider the appropriate integration of immunotherapies into treatment plans for early-stage cancers
  • Identify and appropriately manage any other key aspects of immunotherapy for the treatment of multiple myeloma

Disclaimer: Due to the rapidly-evolving field of cancer immunotherapy, some of the content on this page may be out of date. For current information from SITC on cancer immunotherapy, please visit

This webinar is supported, in part, by independent medical education grant funding from 
(as of 6/7/21).

#Myeloma #ClinicalPracticeGuideline #Toxicities #AdverseEvents #2021 #RecordedWebinar #Webinar #NoCEOffered

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2 Files
mp4 file
Practical Management Pearls for the Treatment of Multipl...   186.88 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 04-26-2021
pdf file
Practical Management Pearls for the Treatment of Multipl...   1.07 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 04-26-2021

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