There is no singular, defined route to achieving a leadership role within the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). Individuals experience their first activity or engagement with the society in any number of ways – from attending a SITC program, to applying for membership, to accepting an...
SITC's Cancer Immunotherapy Guidelines program is a collection of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) developed by multi-disciplinary panels of experts who draw from their own practical experience as well as evidence in the published literature and clinical trial data to develop evidence- and...
SITC Cancer Immunotherapy Month™ Events The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) celebrates Cancer Immunotherapy Month™ every June, promoting not only general awareness of the field of cancer immunotherapy, but also providing educational growth and professional development opportunities...
Meeting Code of Conduct & Photography Policy Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) Policy Privacy Policy & Website Terms of Use Statement on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion SITC Meeting Code of Conduct & Photography Policy Approved by the SITC Executive Committee June 2018,...
The SITC Board of Directors have full responsibility for the management, direction and control of the business, policies and affairs of the society, subject only to limitations set forth in the society's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Board of Directors The Society for Immunotherapy of...
Two Ways to Connect-a-Colleague Log in to your member profile and use the Connect-a-Colleague Tool to send email invitations to your friends and colleagues. Individuals will automatically receive follow-up from SITC staff and begin to receive SITC communications. Ask your...
Learn about ways to become involved by volunteering for committees, task forces and more with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). Volunteer with SITC SITC Volunteers shape the direction of our strategic initiatives which in turn directly influence the immunotherapy field. Together,...
Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy™ is a CME- and CE-certified program for clinical oncologists, registered nurses, pharmacists and others involved in treating cancer patients with immunotherapy to learn basic immunology principles and the mechanisms and clinical applications of immunotherapy. ...
On October 28, 2022, leading experts from the SITC Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Immunotherapy Guideline Expert Panel presented "Case Studies in Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – SITC CPG Webinar." This high-level webinar included case studies that illustrated execution of...
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On October 3, 2022, leading experts from the SITC Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Immunotherapy Guideline Expert Panel presented "Practical Management Pearls for Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer — SITC CPG Webinar." This high-level webinar was designed to teach attendees how...
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