In Cancer Immunotherapy Patient CONNECT, explore resources, connect to cancer patients in the general discussion forum, and learn of educational opportunities for cancer patients and those who advocate for them. SITC Patient Resources Welcome to SITC Cancer Immunotherapy connectED! SITC...
Immunotherapy is revolutionizing how doctors treat certain types of cancer. Sometimes referred to as biologic therapy or biotherapy, immunotherapy harnesses the potential of the body's own immune system to fight cancer. Training the immune system to respond to cancer has the potential for a more...
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The ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium is a three-day meeting focused on clinical and translational research in immuno-oncology and the implications for clinical care. This meeting addresses the high-level of need for clinical education in a field where all aspects of care are...
02-28-2019 07:30 - 03-02-2019 16:00 PT San Francisco CA
The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) hosted "Concurrent Session 213: Advances in Immunotherapy of Pediatric Malignancies" during the SITC 2018 Annual Meeting on November 10, 2018. Available here are the presentation slides and video from the session. 33 rd Annual Meeting...
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Presented by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Creative Educational Concepts, Inc. (CEC) in collaboration with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. This program is ideally suited for North American-based Junior Faculty, Fellows, and Postdoctoral Researchers (MDs, DOs,...
04-25-2019 08:00 - 04-27-2019 20:00 CT Houston TX
The Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) in collaboration with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) have the great pleasure of inviting you to take part in the 6 th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC6) – the leading International conference in Europe providing a global platform...
04-11-2019 00:00 - 04-13-2019 23:55 CET Vienna
Purpose There is great interest among clinicians as well as regulatory authorities to address the lack of drug development for products intended specifically for use with radiation therapy. Emerging from the enthusiasm and momentum of a session at the AACR-sponsored Accelerating Anticaner...
02-22-2018 - 02-23-2018 Bethesda MD
This program has already taken place. This was a practical and clinically relevant meeting for the entire head and neck cancer community that provided the most up-to-date information on multidisciplinary therapies, the latest clinical research, new treatment strategies, supportive care,...
02-15-2018 07:00 - 02-17-2018 12:00 MT Scottsdale AZ
Publicado en asociación con la Sociedad para la Inmunoterapia del Cáncer (SITC), Comprendiendo la Inmunoterapia Contra el Cáncer: Guía de Recursos para Pacientes 4a Edición provee información actual y médicamente precisa para pacientes y cuidadores para delinear las opciones de inmunoterapia...
Published in partnership with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), the Understanding Cancer Immunotherapy: Patient Resource Guide 4 th Edition provides current, medically accurate information intended for patients and caregivers to outline available immunotherapy options, the role...
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