To gain access to any SITC educational activity, journalists and medical/science writers must register for the program providing all requested information as well as abide by the policies of SITC as noted below.
SITC Policies:
All individuals who wish to register as press must complete and submit this press registration form, along with a copy of their press credentials, to SITC. Press credentials will be required onsite by media to acquire a press badge. No exceptions will be allowed
Those registering as press must represent editorial staff. Advertising or marketing representatives will not be registered as press
Upon receipt, the press registration application form will be reviewed by SITC staff and is subject to approval based on SITC management's discretion. Applicants will be notified within one week of approval
Accepted applications will receive complimentary entry for that program (i.e. waived registration fees)
Submitting the press registration form does not guarantee receipt of a press pass, and press passes will not be granted to anyone whose principal purpose for attending our event is—in our judgment—for reasons other than covering them as working news media
Photography and videography of meeting proceedings are not allowed unless prior written permission is granted by SITC
Press wishing to obtain interviews and official statements on behalf of the society must work with SITC Communications staff ( for scheduling with the appropriate representatives