Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Submit your abstract for free for the opportunity to present and discuss your research with luminaries in the immunotherapy field. SITC 2024 features multiple oral presentations and Young Investigator Awards. All accepted abstracts will be published as a supplement in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC), the society’s global, open access, peer-reviewed journal.

Submit an Immune Engineering Abstract through the Regular Abstract Submission link or the Young Investigator Award Submission link for individuals eligible for a young investigator award.

Late-Breaking Abstract - Clinical Only (LBA) Submission

July 15, 2024 – Sept. 12, 2024 at 5 p.m. PDT

Abstract Types

New for SITC 2024 - Call for Immune Engineering Abstracts

This year the Pre-Conference Program, Immune Engineering Workshop, on Thursday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m., will offer additional opportunities for poster and oral presentations. Abstracts that focus on immune engineering and related topics will be eligible for this opportunity. Abstract submitters will be able to select if they would like their abstract considered for the Immune Engineering Workshop within the Regular and YIA Submission Portal.

Regular Abstracts

The time frame to submit your latest research in the cancer immunotherapy field to the 39th Annual Meeting for consideration as an oral abstract presentation and/or poster abstract presentation is April 24, 2024 until 5 p.m. PDT on June 27, 2024.

Young Investigator Award (YIA) Abstracts

Regular Abstracts with primary and presenting authors that are students, postdoctoral research fellows, clinical fellows, or junior faculty with three or fewer years on staff and are current SITC members, may be eligible to receive a Young Investigator Award (YIA). Five YIAs will be reserved for those who self-identify as individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the Biomedical Sciences according to the NIH definition. YIA Abstracts require a letter of recommendation as well as additional information regarding the percentage of contribution by the primary and presenting author. The time frame to submit a YIA Abstract to the 39th Annual Meeting is April 24, 2024 until 5 p.m. PDT on June 27, 2024.

Those selected for the Presidential Travel Award will be invited to give an oral abstract presentation during the Presidential Session from 1:30–2:55 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024 (session time subject to change). An abstract submitted for a YIA that does not receive an award may still be accepted as an abstract for SITC 2024 and will be considered a Regular Abstract. 

For more information about the YIAs as well as the criteria and eligibility, please click here.

Late-Breaking Abstracts - Clinical Only (LBA)

Late-breaking Abstract - Clinical Only (LBA) submission is solely for abstracts with late-breaking data from interventional clinical trials in humans and not for abstracts submitted “late”. The LBA deadline is not intended to be an extension of the general submission deadline. LBAs highlight novel and practice-changing in-human clinical studies and only apply to data that would have not otherwise have been presented as an abstract at the 39th Annual Meeting. 

Authors of LBAs do not need to submit an application or a place-holder abstract. LBAs should be submitted during the LBA submission period, from July 15–Sept. 12 at 5 p.m. PDT.

If a LBA is not accepted, it will not be published or presented at the meeting. There is no longer an option for it to be considered as a Regular/YIA Abstract.

LBAs are considered for a limited allocation of oral and poster presentation slots on either Friday, Nov. 8 or Saturday, Nov. 9.

Important Dates

Regular, Young Investigator Award (YIA), and Immune Engineering Abstract Dates

April 24, 2024
Regular Abstract, YIA Abstract, and Immune Engineering Abstract Submission Site Opens

June 27, 2024
Regular Abstract, YIA Abstract, and Immune Engineering Abstract Submission Site Closes at 5 p.m. PDT

Aug. 2, 2024
Regular Abstract, YIA Abstract, and Immune Engineering Abstract Notifications Sent

Aug. 9, 2024
Regular Abstract, YIA Abstract, and Immune Engineering Abstract Presentation Acceptance Confirmations & Deadline for Regular, YIA, and Immune Engineering Abstract Withdrawals (Withdrawals must be made by emailing education@sitcancer.org to indicate a withdrawal)

Oct. 4, 2024
Regular, YIA, and Immune Engineering Abstract Title & Author Information Released at 9 a.m. EDT

Nov. 5, 2024
Embargo Lifted & Full Regular, YIA, and Immune Engineering Abstracts Made Public at 8 a.m. CST/9 a.m. EST. All accepted abstracts are available in the JITC Supplement

Nov. 6–10, 2024
39th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs

Feb. 2025
Final Supplement Published in JITC

Late-Breaking Abstracts - Clinical Only (LBA) Dates

July 15, 2024
LBA Submission Site Opens

Sept. 12, 2024
LBA Submission Site Closes at 5 p.m. PDT

Sept. 25, 2024
LBA Notifications Sent

Sept. 30, 2024
LBA Presentation Acceptance Confirmation Due & Deadline for LBA Withdrawals (Withdrawals must be made by emailing education@sitcancer.org to indicate a withdrawal)

Oct. 30, 2024
LBA Title & Author Information Released at 9 a.m. EDT

Nov. 5, 2024
Embargo Lifted & LBA Made Public at 8 a.m. CST/9 a.m. EST. All accepted abstracts are available in the JITC Supplement

Nov. 6–10, 2024
39th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs

Feb. 2025
Final Supplement Published in JITC

