Bernard A. Fox, PhD, is the Harder Family Chair for Cancer Research, Member and Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular and Tumor Immunology, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute (EACRI), Providence Cancer Institute. He is also Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of UbiVac, a clinical stage immunotherapy company with disruptive cancer vaccine technology that contains shared canonical and recently described non-canonical alternative cancer neoantigens. Prior to joining the EACRI, Bernie spent 5 years in Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg’s laboratory at the Surgery Branch, NCI, NIH. His undergraduate studies were at the University of Detroit and he received his PhD from Wayne State University. Dr. Fox maintains a faculty appointment at OHSU and membership in the NCI Knight Cancer Institute. Dr. Fox lectures widely, authored more than 200 papers and book chapters, has served or serves as a professor at universities in Germany, The Netherlands, China, and Taiwan, and as a member of review committees for the NIH, FDA, philanthropic, and governmental organizations in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Fox is Chair of the World Immunotherapy Council (WIC) and past President of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). In 2015, he received the Visionary/Legacy Award from SITC. In 2020 Dr. Fox received a SITC Team Science Award and the Melanoma Foundation Onlus Bridge Award, for outstanding and lifelong contributions to melanoma research. In 2022 he received SITC’s Tara Withington Public Service Award.