Host a CME or non-CME accredited breakfast, lunch or dinner during the 37th Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs (SITC 2022). Sponsored symposia time slots do not overlap with SITC events such as leadership activities, SITC educational events, plenary sessions or other events as needed for the business of the Society.
Virtual Sponsored Symposia
SITC will continue to offer virtual symposia opportunities for those who are unable to travel to Boston or who simply prefer to host an online event. Virtual symposia presentations will follow the same policies and guidelines as the in-person opportunities. For more information, please contact or (414) 271-2456.
Organizations involved with SITC 2022 (Sponsors, Exhibitors, or Ancillary Event Groups) are eligible to apply for a sponsored symposium.
SITC requires all organizations (commercial and non-profit) that wish to hold a Sponsored Symposium during SITC 2022 to complete an online event application. The deadline for Sponsored Symposia event applications is Friday, Sept. 2, 2022. Event applications submitted after the deadline of Friday, Sept. 2, 2022 will incur an application fee of $300.
Third Party Planners
The host organization will be held responsible for the activities of any third party agency appointed on its behalf. It is the responsibility of the host organization to disseminate the rules and regulations for SITC 2021 among its staff and affiliates. Any violations by a third party will be considered a violation by the host organization.
SITC limits the number of sponsored symposia taking place at any given time to maximize attendance and increase demand. Symposia are not held concurrently with SITC educational programming or leadership activities, but may be held concurrently with other sponsored symposia. Sponsored symposia will be held in designated event spaces at the Marriott Marquis or the Walter E. Convention Center. Times and space is limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to previous years’ sponsors. SITC reserves the right to change session times and meeting space assignments to benefit the conference. Changes will be communicated in writing.
MORNING (60 min.)
AFTERNOON (60 min.)
EVENING (90 min.)
Wednesday, Nov. 9 (virtual only - 30 minutes)
7:00–7:30 a.m. 7:30–8:00 a.m.
Not Available
Not Available
Thursday, Nov. 10
6:30–7:30 a.m.
12–1 p.m. |
7:30–9 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 11
6:15–7:15 a.m.
12–1 p.m.
7–8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 12
7–8 a.m.
1:15–2:45 p.m.
Not Available
Each organization is responsible for the planning and costs associated with the sponsored symposium, including but not limited to food and beverage, audio-visual service beyond what is provided with event, hotel labor costs, etc. SITC is not responsible for payment of any services connected with the symposium and has no authority of any fees that are required by the venue. SITC will invoice accepted events based on the Sponsored Symposium rates listed above.
Acceptance and Payment
Sponsored symposia applications will be reviewed weekly and approved on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to previous year’s sponsors. Please allow 7-10 business days for receipt of confirmation and meeting room assignment. Submitting a request does not guarantee assignment. Upon approval, SITC will send an acceptance letter and invoice. Payment is due within 30 days of the event approval or the symposium will be cancelled.
Once payment is received in full, SITC will provide a listing of hotel/venue contacts and the organization will work directly with the assigned property to plan the event. Please do not contact the hotel/venue before your event is authorized by SITC. Organizations must abide by the SITC event policy as listed. Any organizations found working directly with the convention center or official hotels without prior consent from SITC or are in violation of other event policies may lose their event space or jeopardize the ability to hold future functions in conjunction with the SITC Annual Meeting. Organization waives any rights to claims of damages arising out of the enforcement of these guidelines.
Sponsored Symposium Inclusions
The following services are included:
Standard room set: A stage, podium, banquet rounds, chairs, and one 6 ft. registration table to be placed directly outside the meeting room.
Basic audio visual equipment: One (1) screen, one (1) projector and safe lock stand, (1) podium microphone, one (1) wireless lavaliere microphone, one (1) tabletop microphone, one (1) wireless handheld microphone, two (2) speakers with stands, one (1) laptop, one (1) clicker and one (1) laser pointer is included in the cost of a sponsored symposium. Show Gear Productions is the exclusive provider for audio visual services. With approval from SITC, additional AV services, beyond what is provided may be acquired through Show Gear at the expense of the organization.
Catering: Catering is not included in the cost of a symposium, and is the sole financial responsibility of the host organization.
Room Signage & Easel: A 22”x28” sign listing the symposium title(s), event date, event time, room name, speaker name(s) and affiliation(s), and organization will be provided.
Registration Folder Insert: The host organization is eligible to submit one (1) marketing piece, size 8.5” x 11” or smaller to be inserted into the SITC registration folders and distributed to all attendees. Production and printing costs of the insert are the sole responsibility of the host organization, and the insert must be submitted to SITC event management for review and approval prior to print.
Event Listing: Your event title, date, time and event description will be listed on the SITC 2021 website, within the final SITC 2021 printed program, and within the SITC 2021 mobile app.
Email Blast: Your event description and organization logo will be included in an email sent to Annual Meeting attendees the week of Nov. 1st 2022.
Additional Opportunities to Promote your Symposium
Hotel door drop at official hotels
One-time use of SITC Annual Meeting attendee mailing list
Ad space in program book.
Please contact for additional opportunities and rates
All names, marks, brands, logos, designs, trade dress, slogans, and other designations of SITC are the sole and exclusive property of SITC. Use of any SITC branding without SITC’s prior written permission is strictly prohibited, except for use of SITC’s name as required in the disclaimer for signage and in other materials associated with sponsored symposia.All promotional and marketing materials must contain the following statement: The [Sponsored Symposium Title], content and views expressed therein are those of the [Organization] and not of SITC.
Signage for Sponsored Symposia is not permitted in public spaces of the meeting venue except for inside and immediately outside of the designated room that the event is to occur. All signage must be 22’’x 28’’ in size. Event signage may NOT include the SITC name, logo, or name of SITC meeting. In addition, no marketing pieces, invitations, communications of any kind, advertising, or other written or spoken descriptions of the symposium may use the SITC name or logo, or otherwise suggest or imply that SITC has endorsed or sponsored the event.
Post Meeting Survey
In an effort to continue to improve our Sponsored Symposia offerings, SITC requires all participating groups to complete a post-meeting survey, accompanied by final attendance counts, two weeks after the Annual Meeting.
Important Dates
Sponsored symposia application opens
Sept. 2, 2022
Sponsored symposia application closes
Sept. 18, 2022
Symposium description and organization logo for promotional email, bag insert, and all other marketing materials due for SITC review
Nov. 28, 2022
Post meeting survey and final attendance count due to SITC
The application fee is non-refundable. Symposium fees, less a $1,000 cancellation fee will be returned if the event is cancelled on or before Friday, Sept. 2, 2022. No refunds will be issued after this date. Refunds will be processed in the same form from which the payment was received. Please note that cancelling your symposium with the venue does not automatically cancel your event with SITC. Please notify SITC if your symposium has been cancelled.
Damage to Function Space
The group agrees to pay for any damage to the function space that occurs while the group is using it. The group will not be responsible, however, for ordinary wear and tear or for damage that it can show was caused by persons other than the group and its meeting attendees.
All matters and questions not covered in the above policy are subject to the discretion of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. These policies may be amended at any time by SITC and all amendments shall be equally binding on all parties. In the event of any amendment or addition to these guidelines, written notice will be given by SITC to such parties. For all activities, the organization will take full responsibility for the event or meeting and hold harmless the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, its officers, agents, contractors and employees from any and all liability and costs associated with the activity. By completing the online request form, SITC is released from any and all liability.
Please contact SITC at (414) 271-2456 or email