SITC-Bristol Myers Squibb Postdoctoral Cancer Immunotherapy Translational Fellowship

Term: Two Years | Amount: $200,000

This cancer immunotherapy translational fellowship aims to support an MD, PhD, or combined MD/PhD individual with a vested interest in furthering the research and translation of cancer immunotherapy.

SITC-MRA Women in Melanoma Fellowship

Term: Two Years | Amount: $200,000

This fellowship supports a woman who has an MD, PhD, or combined MD/PhD degree with a vested interest in furthering research in cancer immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with melanoma.


SITC-Merck Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Fellowship

Term: One Year | Amount: $100,000

 This clinical fellowship supports an MD or combined MD/PhD with a vested interest in furthering cancer immunotherapy research and translational immunotherapeutic approaches.

SITC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fellowship

Term: One Year | Amount: $100,000

This cancer immunotherapy translational fellowship aims to support an MD, PhD, or combined MD/PhD individual with a vested interest in furthering the research and translation of cancer immunotherapy.

SITC-Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Adverse Events in Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Fellowship

Term: One Year | Amount: $40,000

 This fellowship provides support to an individual with an MD (or equivalent) or combined MD/PhD degree with a vested interest in furthering the research and translation of adverse events in cancer immunotherapy.

Co-sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and made possible in part by an educational grant from EMD Serono.

Applications will open Summer of 2025.

If you are interested in supporting a SITC Fellowship, contact our development team at

Fellowship Guidelines

Important Dates

Submission Period

The 2024 SITC Fellowship applications opened February 5, 2024. Applications will remain open for at least 6 weeks.

Submission Deadline

The SITC Fellowship applications are due on April 1 at 11:59 pm ET.

Fellowship Term

Any one-year fellowship terms will begin on Aug. 1, 2024 and will end on July 30, 2025. Any two-year fellowship terms will begin on Aug. 1, 2024 and will end on July 30, 2026.

Applicant Notifications

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection in June or July of 2024.


Eligibility Requirements

Alternate Funding

Acceptance of a fellowship award presented by SITC does not preclude the grant recipient from obtaining grant support from other sources.

The applicant and the sponsoring institution of the award recipient are responsible for ensuring that the terms of the SITC award are compatible with grant support from other sources, if applicable.

SITC Membership Requirement

All SITC fellowship applicants must be SITC members in good standing at the time of submission (i.e., current in dues). Individuals with student memberships are eligible to apply and student membership rates start as low as $50. Access more information on SITC membership and apply to join SITC here.

If your SITC membership application is submitted before the Fellowship deadline of April 1, the membership requirement of the Fellowship application will be fulfilled (pending any modifications, outstanding details or incorrect information). Please continue with your application submission. Contact with any questions.

Application Process

Application Process

All SITC fellowship applications must be submitted through the online application portals. Please note that there are two different application portals (Cadmium and Proposal Central). The application process is the same in both portals. Applicants are encouraged to apply for all opportunities for which they are eligible. Applicants must submit a separate application for each opportunity. 
Please click the links below to apply to each fellowship.

Application Materials

Applicants must submit a completed application form, a statement of purpose, a Biosketch, a mentor’s statement of support, a mentor’s Biosketch, an institutional letter of support, a research plan and budget, a description of facilities, and two letters of recommendation.

Application Template

Multiple Applications

Applicants may meet the criteria for more than one fellowship, and applicants are welcome to apply for all fellowships for which they are eligible. Applicants will only be awarded one fellowship. Applicants must submit a separate application for each fellowship they wish to apply for.

Mentor Information

Mentor Biosketch and Statement of Support Uploads

SITC encourages referrers to send their letters of support and the mentor’s Biosketch to applicants who should then upload these directly to the application portal as a part of their application.

Mentor Sponsoring Multiple Applicants

SITC does not restrict mentors from supporting multiple applicants for multiple fellowships. Only one applicant will be selected for each fellowship. 

Multiple Mentors

Applicants are welcome to list up to two mentors and there is an option in the application portals to list both mentors. Applicants with co-mentors can submit both mentors’ Biosketches and both mentors can write statements of support. Alternatively, the two mentors can write a joint letter of support. 

Mentor as Additional Reference

Applicants are encouraged to have two people other than their mentor serve as the two personal references.


Confidentiality Policy

Fellowship applications are accessible by SITC staff for administrative purposes and are shared with Awards Review Committee members for the purposes of review only. All staff, fellowship reviewers and committee members agree to adhere to SITC's confidentiality policy, and as such all individuals privy to information shared in fellowship applications will keep the application information confidential. 

Intellectual Property Guidelines

SITC fellowship recipients and/or sponsoring institutions retain ownership of their work and research. 

Reporting Requirements

Recipients of a SITC presented fellowship are required to submit a mid-term report and a final report detailing the status of their research. The report includes a write-up of the progress that has been made, as well as a financial accounting of funds. At this time, there is not a template for the fellowship mid-term and final reports. However, the following items are required to be submitted:

Mid-term Report Requirements

  1. Project title, award amount, recipient’s name
  2. Brief overview of the project progress to date
  3. Describe highlights related to the award (presentation, publication, abstract, etc.)
  4. Outcomes determined at this date
  5. Disposition of funds thus far

Final Report Requirements

  1. List the original specific aims of project. If the aims have changed, please explain.
  2. Synopsis of research progress to date
  3. Abstracts or other publications resulting from the research project (please provide copy)
  4. Any additional pending funding resulting from the studies performed in this research project (title of grant, PI, amount, duration, and agency)
  5. Plans after the award term
  6. Disposition of funds

Budget Information

SITC Fellowship Fund Usage

The fellowship amounts are entirely designated to salary, including support for equipment & supplies. Indirect costs are not covered by SITC fellowships. 

Conference Travel

Fellowship funds cannot be used to support travel to conferences or events. Fellowship recipients receive complementary registration and travel reimbursement to attend the SITC Annual Meeting in the year the fellowship is awarded.

Budget Template

At this time, there is not a SITC fellowship budget template. However, all of the funds must be accounted for and must be entirely designated to salary, including support for equipment & supplies.

Budget Changes

If the recipient or institution anticipates a change to the proposed budget of the project, a request must be submitted in writing to SITC at

Salary Requirements

There is no percentage requirement for funds allocated for salary. However, the proposed budget must account for the entire award and the proposed budget may only include salary, research supplies, and equipment.

Overhead Costs

SITC fellowship funds may not be allocated to overhead costs.

Changes to Proposal/Budget/Timeline/Institution/Role

Change of Scope to Project

If the recipient or institution anticipates a change to the terms of the project, a request must be submitted in writing to SITC at

No-Cost Extensions

If at the end of the award term there are funds remaining, recipients may submit a No-Cost Extension request. Requests are subject to approval by the SITC’s Executive Committee, and must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the end of the award term.

Switching Institutions/Positions

All fellowship applicants should submit applications based on their current role at their current institution.

SITC-named Fellowship Terms & Conditions

Receipt of this award does not preclude the applicant from obtaining grant support from other sources. Support from the fellowship award is to be acknowledged in presentations and publications resulting from the research sponsored by the award.

The award is nontransferable. The award recipient is directly responsible as an employee to the supporting academic institution. The sponsoring institution is responsible for documenting their role in terms of supporting the education and research efforts as well as providing adequate research capacity, including space and equipment, for the award.

SITC may discontinue the award if it is documented that the purpose or the terms of the award are not being fulfilled. In this event, the recipient will be notified in writing of this determination, the reason and the effective date.

The recipient must submit a halfway point and a final written progress report to SITC, including disposition of funds. Any unused funds will be returned to SITC.

View Past SITC Fellowship Recipients