The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and the Society for Glycobiology (SfG) will host the Glyco-Immunology Webinar Series in 2024. The series consists of three free, two-hour public webinars that feature expert invited speakers and attendee question and answer periods. The Glyco-Immunology Webinar Series will address the impact of glycobiology on immune regulation, anti-tumor immunity, and immune resistance and highlight exciting questions and opportunities in the field of glyco-immunology, an emerging area within the field of immuno-oncology. Topics to be addressed at the webinars include an introduction to glyco-immunology, the effects of glycobiology on anti-tumor immunity and immune resistance, and the role of glycobiology in T cell-directed cancer immunotherapies.
The primary objective of the Glyco-Immunology Webinar Series is to highlight clinical and translational opportunities and challenges in the field of glyco-immunology. Secondary goals and learning objectives include defining the impact of glycans on anti-tumor immunity and immune resistance; applying principles of glyco-immunology to develop more effective cancer immunotherapies; and establishing SITC as a home for researchers and healthcare providers interested in glyco-immunology and cancer immunotherapy.
SITC will work with SFG collaborators to develop three webinars to highlight the areas of glycol-immunology. These webinars will educate those in the cancer immunotherapy audience and beyond on this area of interest.
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